Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You're Going To Love This...

Today, I was searching through the Vision Forum website to look for birthday gifts as well as a few of my wish list items! I decided though that I would wait to show my mom before making a purchase on the items. I was so glad that I had waited, because just after that I went over to Crystal's blog. Much to my suprise she announced today that they were having a give-away for a $100.00 passport over at Vision Forum. If you have never heard of them, please take a moment to browse through their website. I would strongly encourage you to do so! They have been such an encouragement to my family and me. So, hurry on over to Biblical Womanhood to enter this wonderful give-away!


Jessica said...

Hi there,

I just popped over from Crystal's blog and wanted to say I enjoyed reading your blog.


Jessica said...

Hi Liz,

I live in New Brunswick which is on the east coast. If you'd like to know more you can email me at


Jessica said...
