Whether you are a coffee drinker or you prefer hot tea, you have to admit that the daily ritual of sitting down, with a warm cup in hand and a good friend for conversation, is something that is lost in our culture. People all over the world know the benefits of taking time from their busy schedules to partake in the important matters of the day. When I think of how ladies in past centuries would come together and sit down for a cup of tea and simply talk to one another, it makes me wish people had that kind of time today. I know that we are all busy people with jam-packed schedules, but don't forget that your friends and families will come and go, however your schedule and to-do lists will stay with you forever! Invite a friend or sit down with your daughter and prepare something to drink and just share some time with one another! I was thinking the other day of one of my favorite memories, the event was my sixteenth birthday party and it was a traditional sit-down tea. There was an older woman that I did babysitting for who became a good friend of mine. She was from England and she blessed me with hosting my tea party. We learned the etiquette and traditions of having tea as well as trying things like scones with clotted cream straight from Devon shire. That afternoon was full of conversation and many laughs, but I think that it showed the importance of taking the time to nurture relationships and minister to friends with a listening ear and a cup of tea!
I enjoyed reading your thoughts! Makes me want to sit down with a cup of tea... :)
Have you by chance visited my sister's blog? There's a link to it on mine. It's devoted entirely to "tea." I'm going to send her a link to your blog. She'll love reading this!
What a lovely post, Liz! (My sister pointed me to your blog.) I think you are so right about the benefits of taking time for tea ... it's just so nice to pause for a bit of refreshment over a nice hot cup of tea. And how wonderful that you had an Englishwoman to instruct you in the ways of tea! Nobody does it better!
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