I can hardly believe that February will be here in a few days and winter will be gone before we know it, at least for us Georgians, that is! Sorry, to those who live above the Mason-Dixon line! So many things have been keeping us all busy around here. Mom, is staying busy with her work and we are seeking the Lord about our family's future. As she is working outside of the home I am very blessed that I'm able to help her out in many ways around the house. As I'm helping her with the work that she gives me, I don't just do the task in the moment but I learn from what I'm doing so that I may take it with me in the future. Right now, I'm learning how to be frugal and how to plan meals on a budget. Of course, my notebook of menus and recipes are still a work in progress...
I'm so excited about this Saturday because we are attending a Biblical Worldview Conference up in Ellijay, GA. American Vision is hosting the event and the speakers will be: Gary DeMar, Dr. Richard Hanner, Rev. Ron Poch, and Mike Parham. We are all looking forward to hearing these men speak and maybe even meeting some new friends as well!
Also, I have been very busy recently with a new business venture that I am starting and can not believe the overwhelming reaction of excitement from the close friends that I have been sharing with. This is all new and I have been at the library checking out books and online searching trademark laws and all the wonderful stuff with starting a business. In the next couple of weeks I will be attending a entrepreneur expo specifically for starting a small business. Everything seems to be falling in place and my family and I have such a peace about this idea. So, I know you all must be wondering what it is but I am going to hold my peace for now! Well, I just want to set everything in place before I tell you all about it but, I sure am excited!
Okay, I think I've talked enough for one night! I'm quite exhausted tonight as I have worked the entire day striping an old desk that I got at a garage sale. It was such a tedious job and tomorrow I will be sanding and hopefully getting it painted. I'll post pictures later this week!
Well, hope you all are staying warm and doing well...until next time!
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