Saturday, March 29, 2008
Mother & Daughter Evening In...

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Drew comes down to Georgia!

I don’t get to see this little guy all that often but when I do I enjoy every minute of it! Here are a couple of shots that were taken during breakfast this past Saturday. The first time I met Drew I instantly had so much love for him! I am so blessed that I get to be his aunt and definitely can’t wait to watch him grow into a little boy!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
This is my daily prayer...

(From Victory of the Darkness by Neil Anderson)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Brunch at J.Christopher's, Kate's 4th Birthday Party, and Easter Lunch with the Clifford Family!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Spring has Sprung!

Photography by Liz West
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Meeting the Granddaughter of Marie von Trapp

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Living A Beautiful Life

- Work smarter, not harder. When you feel overwhelmed, take a break from whatever is causing you pressure and attend to some necessary tasks that will please you and bring instant gratification. Organize your desk top or a drawer or two. Then go back with new energy to the bigger tasks.
- When you're feeling out of sorts and blue, pick up a favorite art book and rejuvenate yourself through the beauty of the pictures.
- Spray cologne in a box stationery and put the top back on. The wonderful scent will be there for you as soon as you open the lid to write a note. The recipient of your letter will enjoy it as well.
- Go to a specialty store, and buy some small, distinctive item. For instance, Tender Buttons in New York is a wonderful little store that has turned the button into an art form. I go there and buy a set of blazer or other buttons to spruce up an old coat. This makes me feel wonderfully refreshed.
- Line the inside of your closet door with art postcards. Use double-sided Scotch tape so you can peek at the back if you need to check an artist's name of the painting. Get dressed with art.
- Mark new seasons with childhood reminiscences: In spring, fly a kite, In summer, make a sand castle, In fall, rake leaves and go hiking, In winter, go for a walk in newly fallen snow.
- Hang a favorite quilt on your living-room wall behind your sofa, or in your bedroom over a loveseat. Use Velcro on a wooden strip and sew Velcro on the top of the quilt to protect the edges.
- Be three minutes early for your next appointment and wait calmly. While you'll show respect for someone else's time and life, you will also have time to compose your thoughts.
- Lift your mood with a new fragrance.
- Burn up calories as you bustle around tidying up. Put on some running shoes and be aware of bending from the waist as you pick things off the floor. Fast fixing up can be almost aerobic-like when you do it to jazzy music.
- Make your own quotation book. Every time you read or think of something you want to remember, enter it in your book. Reviewing your quotes gets you thinking.
- Make a personal source guide. When you discover a store that has a product you like, make a note; order by phone or mail, if possible.
- Being organized saves time, enabling you to accomplish more and feel more satisfied with yourself. Keep a careful datebook, and weed it out each month.
- Have a special basket for the mail. It looks pretty, and it's fun to bring into the living room or library, to open at leisure.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Catching up....
I hadn't realized just how long it had been since I last posted something here. Sorry, to those who continue to read this. Since the beginning of February I have had this overwhelming sense of getting some things on my to-do list, accomplished! I have been working on my new business venture and I purchased my first ever business license last week!!! I'm also in the middle of researching sewing machines and will soon be making my first BIG purchase for the business. Not to mention, on another note, I've begun to open the door for my photography. I went to a class on digital photography and will be looking into joining the local photography club. I was offered to be the official event photographer for my local Chamber of Commerce, hopefully that will give me the chance to get my name out there. So, anyway please bear with me in the following weeks with this blog. I look forward to sharing with you all where the Lord is taking me through my creativity! Here are some pictures I took on a photo shoot last weekend.