It's Wednesday, and so far this week has been such a wonderful time. Of course, cleaning, making meals, folding laundry, and cutting grass are things that I do every week. However, I've been very refreshed lately in the books that I'm reading and the audio Cd's that I'm spending time listening to. I know that I have a bit more free time than most stay at home daughters; seeing as how I don't have any siblings and we don't live on a farm. But it's amazing how it seems that from the time I wake up (6:30 a.m.) until the time I go to bed(trying to make sure I'm asleep by 10:00 p.m. but sometimes that doesn't happen), that I am constantly working on something or cleaning up a mess, helping iron a shirt, or whatever task that needs getting done. But as I am making more time here and there to just read books, I'm finding that it's time very well spent. Even if you just sit down to read one chapter at a time you will feel so much better and refreshed! Of course, that very much depends on the type of books that you fill your mind with. For myself, I've really become interested in reading biographies and hope to start reading a biography of each president. I'm sort of compiling a list of books that I hope to read by the end of the year; I'll post a rough draft of it soon! I was wondering though do any of you have books that you recommend reading or books that have inspired you in your Christian walk? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Well, until next time!
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I can't wait to read the list of books you're hoping to read in the future... Maybe I'll get some ideas and inspiration! You are sooo blessed to have the opportunity to have time to read during the day. It is so valuable. I need to make more time for it...
I love your new background. Did you get it at thecutestblogontheblock.com? If so, how did you get rid of the advertisement in the upper left corner like I have on my blog???
Looking forward to hearing from you!
It truly is a blessing to be able to sit down and take a moment to read. I will be posting my list soon and it has all sorts of books in it from political to biography to things that apply in our Christian walk. I've made it a point to make sure the books on the list are worth my time to read and not secular works.
I did get my background from there! I saw that you had one and thought it would be nice to change things up and make my blog look a little more girly! I know how to get rid of the little advertisment box but I'll have to email you how to do it.
Love, Liz
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